
905-764-7570 info@rscc.ca

Continuing in our series of free talks with Kenneth McAlister around the major festivals of the year, Â鶹ֱ²¥ is happy once again to present Kenneth’s upcoming talk on the festival of Easter, titled “The Interweaving Natural and Spiritual Processes of Easter“. This talk will take place at 9 am on Easter Saturday March 30th. Kenneth describes it as follows:

We will try to develop an understanding of the Easter Mystery in the context of inner and outer seasonal changes. In the second session (after the mid-morning break) we will use the centre/periphery meditation to deepen our experiences of the opportunities Easter presents. See the full poster for this even below:

Anthroposophy in Toronto will also be hosting a public event on Thursday March 28th, an Introduction to Eurythmy, led by CoCo Verspoor at the Waldorf Academy, in downtown Toronto. This event is the latest in a series of their anthroposophical evenings. See details on the poster below.


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